Mid-Week Men's Class

Our mens Wednesday night Bible study begins on January 7 at 7:00pm. "Every Man a Warrior" book #1 covers the essential skills of discipleship. Skills to develop: Having a Quiet Time, Meditating on Scripture, Prayer, and Application of the Word. If you are interested in previewing the lesson and audio, go to www.everymanawarrior.com.

Meets in the church sanctuary. All men are welcome -- no need to sign up ahead of time!

95+ Attend Men's Dinner

Over 95 men showed up on Thursday, September 4 for our annual Fall Men's Dinner. This evening, honoring our first responders at the Twin Valley Fire Department and providing men a chance to enjoy dinner together (catered by Grumpy's), compete in an archery competition, and hear Sean Jones tell his story, was a fantastic time. If you missed this one, stay tuned for future men's events!